Learn the pattern from
historical wildfire events
Gather data from the aspect of the fire triangle
before and after the fire event.
Designed for investment firms, insurance companies, infrastructure developers,
wildfire-vulnerable communities, and forest fire management departments
Gather data from the aspect of the fire triangle
before and after the fire event.
Mitigation is the best suppression with the help the satellites above.
Integrating Space Data, IoT ground network and Social Media to guesstimate the next probably widlfire.
We envision humanity to be resilient against climate driven disaster starting with wildfires.
We believe the urge take climate actions right now using the most appropriate technologies.
We use any participating satellite that works for the greater good.
We use the most effective type of data to achieve the target as well as any other type of data for more insights.
We do not claimed to be fastest or cheapest but at cost performance optimal.
We support open source as much as we are benefited from.
While we make data accessible at lowest cost to general users, we make money from professional services to support the course.
We want to make our application easy to use and does not require heavy downloads by using optimizing resource at server side.
We hope to expand our solution beyond fires into flood, forest management as well as carbon auditing
Contact us for opportunities to start a project with us! We are happy to learn from you too!